404-788-8232 mpalmiter@gsu.edu

Week 3 - January 27th

The Jones Model

Readings and Learning Objectives


The discussion of the Jones model is a little different, in that there are no readings assigned specifically for this content.  The model comes from a book written by Charles Jones in 1984, An Introduction to the Study of Public Policy.  I know it is more difficult to absorb the concepts of this model from a PowerPoint lecture, and for that I apologize.  However, I will suggest that you would rather struggle with that task than read the book.  🙂

There are three videos in this discussion.  The first two are on Jones himself, one talking about his model in general, and the second talking about what his theory says about agenda setting.  I am also including the PowerPoint video Streams of Analysis, from Kingdon.  The concept of Window of Opportunity is closely connected to the Jones Model.  We will discuss this somewhat in class on February 15th and it will be included in the midterm, and it can be helpful to you in crafting your post 2 about agenda setting and Stone’s concept of Symbols, which is next week’s reading. 


Understanding the Jones Model of Public Policy development.

Understand the relationship of the Jones Model to setting the political agenda.

Understand the relationship of the first two with the Kingdom’s concept of Window of Opportunity.

Connect all of these things to the concepts of equality and equity and trade offs discussed by Stone.

Instructor Materials

Jones Model of Social Policy

Jones Model of Agenda Setting

Supplemental Materials

Reposting of the Streams of Analysis/ Window of Opportunity Video.  This is a theory of policy analysis that we will return to later in the semester.  

This additional article may also be helpful.  Paul Cairney on multiple streams analysis

Assignments for the Week

Your first post was originally due on January 26th at midnight.  I did give you two options for content and you can delay posting your Post 1 until Feb 1st.  

POST 1: 

Discuss how Stone’s concepts of Equity and Efficiency are present in one current public policy debate. OR

Discuss how both the market and the polis concepts on public policy development are present in today’s political climate.